Versand: 8.39 €
Brand: Camillo Donati
Kategorie: Alkoholische Getränke
Since my mother went to Heaven in 2006, I deeply felt about dedicating her a wine, but I did notknow which one, what type, how Then, inspired by her name she was called Rosa, although everyone knew her as Rosetta I decided to make a dry pink wine. At this point I had to choose which vine variety to use and the choice fell on our Malvasia, because she liked it a lot even if she preferred the sweet version and also because I consider it a wine with a strong and unmistakable personality. My intent has never been to make a rosé or a pink wine starting from my red grapes, as this would have involved vinifying the grapes in white, then clarifying them and finally filtering to reach the pink color: all operations to which I am clearly opposed!
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Camillo Donati in Alkoholische Getränke