- Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - -
26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Cinetica Di Essiccazione Di Bixa Orellana Labil (annatto): Influenza Della Temperatura Sulle Proprietà Fisico-chimiche E Biologiche Del Suo Olio Essenziale
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598118MPN: m06202598115
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edizioni Sapienza, Publisher : Edizioni Sapienza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, releaseDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mafra, Nilton Silva Costa, Sales, Everton Holanda, ISBN : 6202598115
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 2
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Химический профиль и антимикробный потенциал эфирных масел: Эфирные масла: Цимбопогон Citratus, Ocimum Basilicum и Aniba Rosaeodora: Jefirnye Masla: ... Citratus, Ocimum Basilicum I Aniba Rosaeodora
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202597944MPN: m06202597941
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Sciencia Scripts, Publisher : Sciencia Scripts, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2020-06-28, releaseDate : 2020-06-28, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Santos Júnior, Paulo Sérgio, Ferreira, Aline Medeiro, ISBN : 6202597941
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 3
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25.84 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Zanieczyszczenie Ryb W Laguna Da Jansen, São Luís (ma): Identyfikacja I Profil Wra¿liwo¿ci Mikroorganizmów Wyizolowanych Z Ryb Z Laguny Jansen W São Luís, Maranhão
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202593489MPN: m06202593482
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, Publisher : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 80, publicationDate : 2020-06-17, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Teles, Amanda Mara, Nascimento, Adenilde Ribeiro, ISBN : 6202593482
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 4
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Etherische Oliën Van Hymenaea Courbaril En Syzygium Cumini: Chemische Karakterisering, Toxiciteit, Antioxidant En Antimicrobiële Activiteit
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202597890MPN: m06202597895
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, Publisher : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 60, publicationDate : 2020-06-28, releaseDate : 2020-06-28, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202597895
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 5
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Oli Essenziali Contro I Molluschi Biomphalaria Glabrata: Utilizzo Di Oli Essenziali Utilizzati Per L'idrodistillazione Per Valutare La Mortalità Delle Lumache Che Trasmettono La Schistosomiasi
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598286MPN: m0620259828x
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edizioni Sapienza, Publisher : Edizioni Sapienza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, releaseDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Pereira, Ana Patrícia Matos, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 620259828X
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 6
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39.34 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Ocimum Basilicum: Chemical Profile And Biological Potentials: Essential Oil Of Ocimum Basilicum Linn Leaves From The Pre-amazon Region Of Maranhao (brazil)
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202673303MPN: m06202673303
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Publisher : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2020-06-23, releaseDate : 2020-06-23, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mafra, Nilton Silva Costa, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202673303
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 7
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Slakkensterfte Biomphalaria Glabrata Tegen Pimenta Dioica: Lindl. Dioica Pepper: Etherische Olie Als Natuurlijk Slakkenbestrijdingsmiddel In De Strijd Tegen De Slak Die Schistosoom Overbrengt
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202692946MPN: m06202692944
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, Publisher : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2020-08-15, releaseDate : 2020-08-15, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202692944
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 8
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26.24 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Cinética De Secado De La Bixa Orellana Labil (achiote): Influencia De La Temperatura En Las Propiedades Físico-químicas Y Biológicas De Su Aceite Esencial
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598132MPN: m06202598131
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, Publisher : Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mafra, Nilton Silva Costa, Sales, Everton Holanda, ISBN : 6202598131
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 9
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Droogkinetiek Van Bixa Orellana Labil (annatto): Invloed Van De Temperatuur Op De Fysisch-chemische En Biologische Eigenschappen Van De Etherische Olie
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598101MPN: m06202598107
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, Publisher : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 64, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, releaseDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mafra, Nilton Silva Costa, Sales, Everton Holanda, ISBN : 6202598107
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 10
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26.24 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Contamination Du Poisson à Laguna Da Jansen, São Luís (ma): Identification Et Profil De Sensibilité Des Microorganismes Isolés Des Poissons De La Lagune Jansen à São Luís, Maranhão
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202593458MPN: m06202593458
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions Notre Savoir, Publisher : Editions Notre Savoir, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 80, publicationDate : 2020-06-17, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Teles, Amanda Mara, Nascimento, Adenilde Ribeiro, ISBN : 6202593458
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 11
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39.34 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Activité Larvicide De L'huile Essentielle: Activité Larvicide De L'huile Essentielle De Pimenta Dioica Lindl. Sur Les Larves Du Moustique Aedes Aegypti
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786203611991MPN: m06203611999
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions Notre Savoir, Publisher : Editions Notre Savoir, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2021-04-09, releaseDate : 2021-04-09, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Martins, Thércia Gabrielle Teixeira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6203611999
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 12
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39.34 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Pimenta: Bactericidal And Fungicide Potential: Bactericidal And Fungicide Potential Of The Essential Oil Of Pimenta Dioica Lindl
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786203200171MPN: m06203200174
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Publisher : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2021-01-06, releaseDate : 2021-01-06, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Rosa, Paulo Victor Serra, Neto, Ari Pereira de Araújo, ISBN : 6203200174
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 13
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Альпиния нурумбет: сушка и биологические свойства: МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ СУШИЛИРОВАНИЯ ЗЕРУМБЕТА АЛЬПИНИИ И БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЙ ... Maslo Vashego Jessencial'nogo Soveta
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202623636MPN: m06202623632
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edizioni Sapienza, Publisher : Edizioni Sapienza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-07-10, releaseDate : 2020-07-10, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Santos Júnior, Paulo Sérgio, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202623632
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 14
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39.34 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Atividade Larvicida Do óleo Essencial: Larvicida Do óleo Essencial De Pimenta Dioica Lindl. Larvas Frontais Do Mosquito Aedes Aegypti
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786203612035MPN: m06203612030
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edições Nosso Conhecimento, Publisher : Edições Nosso Conhecimento, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2021-04-09, releaseDate : 2021-04-09, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Martins, Thércia Gabrielle Teixeira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6203612030
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 15
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25.84 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Aceites Esenciales De Hymenaea Courbaril Y Syzygium Cumini: Caracterización Química, Toxicidad, Actividad Antioxidante Y Antimicrobiana
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202597869MPN: m06202597860
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, Publisher : Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 60, publicationDate : 2020-06-28, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202597860
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 16
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Profil Chemiczny I Potencjał Antybakteryjny Olejków Eterycznych: Olejki Eteryczne: Cymbopogon Citratus, Ocimum Basilicum I Aniba Rosaeodora
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202597982MPN: m06202597984
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, Publisher : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-28, releaseDate : 2020-06-28, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Santos Júnior, Paulo Sérgio, Ferreira, Aline Medeiro, ISBN : 6202597984
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 17
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Óleos Essenciais De Hymenaea Courbaril E Syzygium Cumini: Caracterização Química, Toxicidade, Antioxidante E Atividade Antimicrobiana
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202597913MPN: m06202597917
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edições Nosso Conhecimento, Publisher : Edições Nosso Conhecimento, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 60, publicationDate : 2020-06-28, releaseDate : 2020-06-28, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202597917
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 18
- Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - -
26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Ocimum Basilicum: Perfil Químico E Potencial Biológico: Óleo Essencial De Folhas De Ocimum Basilicum Linn Da Região Pré-amazônica Do Maranhão (brasil)
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202619523MPN: m0620261952x
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edições Nosso Conhecimento, Publisher : Edições Nosso Conhecimento, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 60, publicationDate : 2020-07-07, releaseDate : 2020-07-07, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mafra, Nilton Silva Costa, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 620261952X
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 19
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Śmiertelność ślimaków Biomphalaria Glabrata Przeciwko Pimenta Dioica: Lindl. Papryka Dioikowa: Olejek Eteryczny Jako Naturalny Moluskocyd W Walce Ze ... Ze ¿limakiem, Który Przenosi Schistosomy
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202692953MPN: m06202692952
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, Publisher : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2020-08-15, releaseDate : 2020-08-15, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202692952
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 20
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25.84 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Contaminazione Del Pesce A Laguna Da Jansen, São Luís (ma): Identificazione E Profilo Di Sensibilità Dei Microrganismi Isolati Dai Pesci Della Laguna Di Jansen A São Luís, Maranhão
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202593465MPN: m06202593466
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edizioni Sapienza, Publisher : Edizioni Sapienza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 80, publicationDate : 2020-06-17, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Teles, Amanda Mara, Nascimento, Adenilde Ribeiro, ISBN : 6202593466
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 21
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23.98 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Загрязнение рыбы в Лагуна-да-Янсен, Сан-Луис (МА): Выявление и профиль чувствительности микроорганизмов, выделенных из рыбы из лагуны Янсен в ... Ryby Iz Laguny Yansen W San-luise, Maran'qn
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202593496MPN: m06202593490
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Sciencia Scripts, Publisher : Sciencia Scripts, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 84, publicationDate : 2020-06-17, releaseDate : 2020-06-17, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Teles, Amanda Mara, Nascimento, Adenilde Ribeiro, ISBN : 6202593490
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 22
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Huiles Essentielles D'hymenaea Courbaril Et De Syzygium Cumini: Caractérisation Chimique, Toxicité, Activité Antioxydante Et Antimicrobienne
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202597876MPN: m06202597879
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions Notre Savoir, Publisher : Editions Notre Savoir, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-28, releaseDate : 2020-06-28, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202597879
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 23
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Influence Du Séchage Sur L'huile Essentielle Des Feuilles D'alpinia Zerumbet: Modélisation Mathématique Des Feuilles D'alpinia Zerumbet Et Des Propriétés Biologiques De Ses Huiles Essentielles
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202606165MPN: m06202606169
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions Notre Savoir, Publisher : Editions Notre Savoir, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-27, releaseDate : 2020-06-27, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Santos Júnior, Paulo Sérgio, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202606169
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 24
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Эфирные масла против моллюсков Биомфалария глабрата: Использование эфирных масел, применяемых при гидродистилляции, для оценки смертности улиток, ... Smertnosti Ulitok, Peredaüschih Shistosomoz
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598248MPN: m06202598247
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Sciencia Scripts, Publisher : Sciencia Scripts, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, releaseDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Pereira, Ana Patrícia Matos, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202598247
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 25
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38.09 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Actividad Larvicida Del Aceite Esencial: Actividad Larvicida Del Aceite Esencial De Pimenta Dioica Lindl. Frente A Las Larvas Del Mosquito Aedes Aegypti
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786203611984MPN: m06203611980
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, Publisher : Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2021-04-09, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Martins, Thércia Gabrielle Teixeira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6203611980
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 26
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Ocimum Basilicum: Chemisch Profiel En Biologisch Potentieel: Etherische Olie Van Ocimum Basilicum Linn Bladeren Uit De Pre-amazone Regio Van Maranhao (brazilië)
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202619509MPN: m06202619503
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, Publisher : Uitgeverij Onze Kennis, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 60, publicationDate : 2020-07-07, releaseDate : 2020-07-07, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mafra, Nilton Silva Costa, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202619503
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 27
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25.84 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Profilo Chimico E Potenziale Antimicrobico Degli Oli Essenziali: Oli Essenziali: Cymbopogon Citratus,ocimum Basilicum E Aniba Rosaeodora
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598002MPN: m0620259800x
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Edizioni Sapienza, Publisher : Edizioni Sapienza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-20, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Santos Júnior, Paulo Sérgio, Ferreira, Aline Medeiro, ISBN : 620259800X
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 28
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26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Ätherische Öle Gegen Mollusken Biomphalaria Glabrata: Verwendung ätherischer Öle, Die Durch Hydrodestillation Verwendet Werden, Um Die Sterblichkeit ... Schnecken Zu Bewerten
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598293MPN: m06202598298
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Verlag Unser Wissen, Publisher : Verlag Unser Wissen, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, releaseDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Pereira, Ana Patrícia Matos, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202598298
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 29
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26.54 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Mortalité Des Escargots Biomphalaria Glabrata Contre Pimenta Dioica: Poivre Lindl. Dioica : Huile Essentielle Comme Molluscicide Naturel Dans La Lutte Contre L'escargot Transmetteur De Schistosomes
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202692922MPN: m06202692928
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Editions Notre Savoir, Publisher : Editions Notre Savoir, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 56, publicationDate : 2020-08-15, releaseDate : 2020-08-15, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202692928
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 30
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25.84 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Contamination Of Fish In Laguna Da Jansen, São Luís (ma): Identification And Sensitivity Profile Of Microorganisms Isolated From Fish From Jansen Lagoon In São Luís, Maranhão
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202593434MPN: m06202593431
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Our Knowledge Publishing, Publisher : Our Knowledge Publishing, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 80, publicationDate : 2020-06-17, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Teles, Amanda Mara, Nascimento, Adenilde Ribeiro, ISBN : 6202593431
Preise vergleichen ab:
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften 31
- Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - -
26.9 €
Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - Olejki Eteryczne Przeciw Molluskom Biomphalaria Glabrata: Stosowanie Olejków Eterycznych Stosowanych W Hydrodestylacji Do Oceny śmiertelności ślimaków ... ¿limaków Przenosz¿cych Schistosomatoz¿
Brand: Everton, Gustavo Oliveira -
9786202598262MPN: m06202598263
Kategorie: Bücher & Zeitschriften
Binding : Taschenbuch, Label : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, Publisher : Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza, medium : Taschenbuch, numberOfPages : 52, publicationDate : 2020-06-19, releaseDate : 2020-06-19, authors : Everton, Gustavo Oliveira, Pereira, Ana Patrícia Matos, Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias, ISBN : 6202598263
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Everton, Gustavo Oliveira - in Bücher & Zeitschriften